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Insurance and Fees

At Warren Street Family Counseling, our staff will submit insurance claims on your behalf and provide a convenient way for you to pay online. We strive to make this process as transparent and convenient as possible for our valued clients.


  • Self-payment is always an option for those who would prefer. Please ask your clinician about their rates. Again, prompt payment is expected at the end of every session.

Client Responsibilities
  • Please take the time to verify your behavioral health insurance benefits.
  • ​We are in-network with most insurance plans; however, it is a good idea to verify that your clinician is in-network with your plan.
  • Please be aware of whether or not your plan has a deductible and/or thamount of your co-payment.
  • Co-payment is expected the same day of session and can be submitted through Your clinician will provide you with the account number
  • You are financially responsible for services even if costs are unexpected, so please take the time to be aware of your benefits.
  • Please notify your clinician promptly of any changes to your insurance coverage.

Some Insurances we accept:





Federal BCBS

Martin's Point



NH Healthy Families


United Behavioral Health



Insurance companies are changing all the time. Please make sure that your clinician is in-network with your plan. 






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